Watermelon : Watery Wow This Season

Watermelon : Watery Wow This Season

Watermelon: watery wow

Watermelons : the carving fruit right?
Especially when it's Spring and Summer. Melons go synonymous with picnics too!!!

Watermelons belong to botanical family Cucurbitaceae. Basically, there are 5 types of them. They are seeded, seedless, mini, yellow and orange.

Watermelons are having a huge quantity of water into it due to which they more consumed during summers. Also, that sweet taste of it can erupt our taste buds. They have a freshness of their own which makes the tied summer day more lively. They actively helps us beat the combat of heat in summer.

Talking about the nutritions value of Watermelon along with water it contains vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. To get the most benefits out of this fruit it is suggestes to buy and intake the most ripen one. The dark red color of Watermelon indicates the ripeness of the fruit.

Some of the benefits from this watery wow fruit:

Benefits of Watermelon
Benefits of Watermelon

These were some of the benefits but the list is so so long..

Now, let's move on to various recipes that can be made using this watery wow fruit. Some might say how wanna wait to eat this fruit in some sort recipe let it be raw and enjoy it's refreshing flavour.

But, for the watermelon lovers here is list of few recipes you would never stop eating.

1. Watermelon Icesticks

As the name, this could be the most simplest and quickest form of recipe. Leaving the kids behind even adults will enjoy it during hot summer. You will idea about this by simply looking at the image below. Yeah, you just need to cut the watermelon slices to triangular and insert a candy stick to it and simple freeze it.

Watermelon Icesticks
Watermelon Icesticks

For other variant you can also try applying little lemon juice to slices before freezing them.

2. Watermelon​ juice

Watermelon juice
Watermelon juice

Another easier one on the plate, not the plate actually but in the glass hahaha.
Grab the watermelon, make pieces of the core part, add some ice and blend it. If you want you can add a pinch of salt, pepper and black salt to it.

3. Watermelon Mint Slush

Watermelon slush
Watermelon Slush

Freeze pieces of your watermelon for 6 hours. In a jar, add frozen pieces, few fresh mint leaves, spoon of sugar, spoonful of lime juice and blend them together still smooth. Serve chilled.

4. Watermelon Jam

Toast with a watermelon jam in summer mornings sounds great right.. that refreshing taste would make your tongue buds crazy.

To make this jam you would require, unseeded watermelon pieces, brown sugar, lemon juice and black pepper powder.

Heat a pot on gas, add 4 cups of water, 1kg watermelon pieces, 500gms brown sugar and half cup lemon juice to it. Let the mixture boil at low flame for 2 to 2.5 hrs.

Now, add 1 tsp black pepper powder to it and mix well. Cook untill jam consistency.

Let the jam cool down and then pour it in a sterilized jar.

Our jam is ready to eat. It can be stored in refrigerator for 2 months.

5. Watermelon Curry

Curry with Watermelon??? Surprising right. Yeah, in India we make curry using watermelon.

I would suggest this amazing recipe by Sheela Prakash to try.

Enjoy the refreshments of Watermelon : watery wow this season.

Happy Spring !!!


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