Pressed Flowers By Youself

Pressed Flowers By Yourself

Pressed flowers
Pressed flowers

Pressed flowers???? What are those right?

I know most of the world is quite familiar with the word pressed flowers and it's applications that is where they are used right. But, to everyone's surprise there are even people who are not aware of pressed flowers.

You might say ' Oh!! Really?'. Unfortunately, that's the truth. 😔

Today, I am gonna put some limelight on Pressed flowers. Also, teach you how you can make them by yourself at home. This is the best season to make pressed flowers by yourself. They are so easy so no need to waste your money on buy them from stores or online.

Pressed flowers as the name suggests are the real dehydrated flowers which means real flowers that are dried in shed.

Now when you know what are pressed flowers let me tell you where they are used. They are used to make different crafts, diy and recipes too.

This time of the year is best to make pressed flowers because you find so many fresh flowers in Spring.

Pressed flowers using books

As the name suggests it is the simplest method for pressing flowers. For this, collect all your favorite flowers. Try getting fresh flowers. You can pick the best flower in the early mornings just after the dew is evaporated. Mostly, flat face flowers acts while in this method while for the other once we need to split them into two.

Now, take a big book the one which you opt to throw as it will get spoil die to flower moisture. Place your favorite flower in between and close the book. Place another book on top it and let it be there for 10 days.

Check after that if it still requires to be kept there for few more days. As more of days mostly depends upon the moisture present in the flower.

Your Pressed flowers are ready!!!

To make the processore quick you can also use microwave.

Pressed flowers using microwave

If you are in an emergency you can use this method to press your flowers. 

Take a cardboard sheet on which place absorbent paper and then spread your flowers on it. Don't overlap the flowers.

Now, take another absorbent paper to place on the flowers. Similarly, place cardboard on it. Seal this with rubber bands from all four sides.

Microwave this for 90 secs. To be on safe side you can check them after every 30 secs. Mostly, the time depends on the flowers and microwave you are using.

So, now when you are ready with the pressed flowers you can use them in various diy projects. 

I will be sharing some diy with pressed flowers in next post till then try this and keep the pressed flowers ready. 

Happy Spring!!


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